Monday, February 1, 2016

Formative Assesments

     Assessments are used to measure how much our students have learned up to a particular point in time.  Formative Assessments are considered part of the learning process, they need not be graded as in the case of a Summative Assessment.  Whenever I hear the word Assessment fear takes over.  Many students are not comfortable with assessments, and as a future Kindergarten Teacher I want to make my assessments as worry free as possible.  I want my students to realize that these are not means to find out what they don't know as a punishment, but more of a means to help them understand the lesson better.

The Common Core Standard that I am working on is English.  K. R.L. 2, retelling the beginning, middle and end of a story by using key details.

The objective for this lesson is to teach students how to sequence the story in order of events.


  •  Sequence story using key vocabulary (first, last, before, after)
  • Demonstrate strategies to assist him/her with recalling information
During the lesson my students and I will read many stories and use Story Boards to address the sequence.  I have 3 formative assessments that I believe will be fun and adequate to assist with this lesson.

1.  "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly" I will read the story to the kids with a big  blank story board.  Each student  will receive a decorated wooden ruler to look like the old lady,  with clothes pin that I will create.  Each ruler  will have a word labeling the animals she swallowed, and each clothespin will have an image of the animal she swallowed to coincide with the words on the stick.  As I read the story to the students we will clip the animals in order of the story.  (This provides a hands on group activity, and helps with motor skills.  This also keeps the students who have attention difficulties busy as it provides an object in their hand. )  I can make this an I do, we do, you do activity.  I will ask the students questions about the order. This will  give me a chance to see who is grasping the concept, and allow time for conversation to address any questions.  

2.  As the students return to their desk each table will be given individual work sheets like these.  They will read and cut and paste the pictures in the right order. 

3.  As a homework assignment I will give the students a copy of the book, "If you give a Mouse a Cookie".  With that they will be given these fun worksheets, to cut and paste in order.  (This will also involve the parents, who will be given instructions on how to properly prompt their students with the sequence.  Some of the students depending on ability will be giving sheets with verbal prompts to assist with the sequence, and others will be given blank sheets, where they will be able to cut and paste the sequence based on memory.

      Of course I will display the work on bulletin boards, so the students can take pride in their work.

       As an extra formative assessment in class the students and I will work on sequencing "The Three Little Pigs", where the students will work in groups.  I will have the students watch a Youtube video of my favorite childhood version of the Three Little Pigs.  Then the students will return to their desks and use these sequence sheets to cut and paste the order.  Some students will be able to draw the pictures to label the sequence.

Hopefully these assessments will be fun and help my students understand the lesson. This Unit was very helpful, because it gave me more creative ideas to do assessments beside typical quizzes and exit tickets.  Looking forward to learning more.


 What Are Formative Assessments and Why Should We Use Them? | (n.d.). Retrieved February 01, 2016, from

Splitting bears. (n.d.). Retrieved February 01, 2016, from

Silly Symphony - The Three Little Pigs. (n.d.). Retrieved February 01, 2016, from