Sunday, June 26, 2016

Teacher Evaluations

     "Teacher Evaluation "was a term that for awhile hindered me from pursuing my dream of being a teacher. I have many friends who are educators and you always hear the worst stories.  You have the perfect lesson plan picked out and that day is the day the students act up, or the technology you want to use isn't working.   Now everything you did for the entire year is now based on this one day observation. I have seen great teachers doubt themselves due to unfair teacher evaluations. Or the situation where all of your hard work as a teacher was determined on the scores of your students high stakes assessments.

     I did my student teaching at an Anne Arundel elementary school in Fort Meade Maryland. During my student teaching for Teach-Now after every lesson I taught I was given a debriefing.  I can remember the first lesson being torture.  I had to video tape myself and I knew I was being watched, and I had to make sure that I covered all of the elements of the standard from my Teach-Now rubric.  There is an old saying that goes,"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." My mentor gave me real honest feedback of my lessons. After I got my thick skin (lol) I appreciated  being evaluated as they helped me learn about my strengths and weaknesses.  I was able to use this feedback to better prepare my  future lessons for the students.

     I have only observed one teacher evaluation in Maryland and that was my mentor teacher's evaluation.   My mentor was given a week in advance about her evaluation.  She was able to prepare for them and knew what was expected of the principal.  He came in and observed and gave her her results later.  I wasn't privy to the results.  I have also witnessed un announced observations at charter schools I worked at in NYC.  The teacher would be in class conducting a lesson and in would walk in 2 or 3 people with laptops and they would type away and it was quite nerve racking for the teacher.  This particular school their was an observer coming in at least 2 to 3 times a week.  The assistant principal would come in every day to observe a lesson and at times would interrupt and add on to the lesson.  This created a very uncomfortable situation at that school.

     It was during my clinical that I realized the importance of teacher evaluations.  They are critical in ensuring that teachers are providing quality education to the students.  The only problem is that not every evaluation is fair.  I have seen principals criticize teachers for every little thing so much so I have witnessed certain schools lose a handful of teachers due to this.  I have also seen observations from principals where the teachers were so relaxed and the feedback was so positive and helpful that teachers really loved their job and worked harder.

     In Baltimore City Public Schools ( a district where I may be working) The teacher effectiveness evaluation falls into 2 categories:  1) Professional Growth 2) Student Growth (SLO's)

     In NYC under the current evaluation system, 60 percent of a teacher's grade is based on principal observations, while the other 40 percent is based on student test scores.  NYC is currently getting ready to revamp their evaluation criteria.  Instead of the principals conducting observations an independent evaluator would do the observation.  The basis of this is so principals won't inflate their grades.   

     There are many factors that teachers should be evaluated on.  To name a few:

  • Observations
  • Lesson Plans
  • Student presentations/projects
  • Test Scores ( to a certain extent)
  • Engaged Learning environment
  • Student feedback
     I personally feel that the concept of teacher evaluations are needed to help improve the educator's instructional skill, and to improve the overall school community.  It is important to know that the school has effective teachers and if not ,can work on ways to assist the teacher become more productive.  This profession is not glamorous, the hours are longer, the pay is not that great and the culture of school has changed dramatically.  Teacher evaluations should be a process to assist the teachers but at times it comes across as a punishment. They question why the turnover rate for teachers is so high.

     I am quite sure that once I become a professional teacher my factors will change on how I feel we should be evaluated.  I can only pray that  a fair but effective process is created where everyone is happy.

Works Cited:
 Components of the 2015-16 Teacher Effectiveness Evaluation. (n.d.). Retrieved June 25, 2016, from 

 Zimmer, A. (n.d.). Here Are Some Ideas Being Floated for Teacher Evaluations - Central Harlem - DNAinfo New York. Retrieved June 25, 2016, from 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Pre Assessment for Differentiation

The unit that I would be introducing will be the common core standard RL2 CCR Determine Central Ideas of themes and text and summarize the key supporting details and ideas.  The pre assessment that I would use would be to determine if my students can identify the main characters, and setting of the story.  I would also pre assess to see if they understand the concept of beginning, middle and end of a story.

My objectives for this unit were: Students will know what/who are the main characters in the story
SWBAT identify the setting of a story.  SWBAT to successfully sequence events in order of the text.

Some students are intimidated by pre assessments and still view them as a test.  In my classroom I plan on creating a climate that it is ok not to know, its not ok not to try.  I used the Kahoot app for creating a pre-assessment.  They make fun games and I think this relaxes students and makes learning  fun. Plus it allows me to read the question for my students and it incorporates technology.  If technology allows they can play as individuals or as a team.

Here is the Pre-Assessment I created for Identifying elements of a story.

This link requires you to log on with a smartphone or lap top to participate. If you want to play you will need to log on with a tablet or smartphone.  You would just go to and enter the pin number that shows up on the screen, enter a user name and begin.  If not I have screen shot the questions that I created.  They are 5 multiple choice questions.

The use of colors and shapes for the answer made this assessment fun and the background music is cute.

These five questions will determine in my class who understands the concept of main character, who understands what a setting is and if they understand sequencing.  The words for sequencing a story are beginning, middle and end.  Since this is a kindergarten class I don't expect everyone to be able to answer these questions.  For many of my students this may be their first time in class. This pre-assessment may not be enough to break my students into group initially.  It will just determined the depth of how I many need to teach the lessons.

  I will teach another whole  group lesson and through formative assessments of question and answer and maybe a formative/summative assessments, I will be able to place my students into groups based  on differentiate needs  from there.

Here is the link to my mind map on that outlines differentiating strategies:

Just in case their are some technical difficulties here is a screen shot of my mind map.

It is important to be able to use the data from the assessments and be able to differentiate my lessons so that all of my students will be able to grasp the knowledge needed.  Every child can learn its our jobs as teachers to find out how!

Monday, June 6, 2016

High Stakes Testing

Pros and Cons of High Stakes Testing

High Stakes testing is defined as "any test used to make important decisions about students, educators, school, or districts, most commonly for the purpose of accountability- i.e., the attempt by federal, state, or local government agencies and school administrators to ensure that students are enrolled in effective schools and being taught by effective teachers."

As a future educator accountability is important.  You want to know that what you are teaching is effective.  I want to know that my students are acquiring the knowledge needed.  As a parent I love the data that informs me that the school that my children are enrolled in is a good school.  Under the No Child Left Behind Act in 2000 every state was mandated to have state mandated tests. Unfortunately with everything there are pros and cons.  The argument about High Stakes testing  now is that  there are too many test out there, and that these test are used to determine promotion.  Many teachers are now feeling pressured to teach for the test.  In some states the test scores becomes the evaluation for the teachers and many are losing their jobs as a result of this. High Stakes testing doesn't  accommodate students with special needs and ELL students.   High Stakes testing also seems to only focus on English and Math and not the other subjects.

 I have mixed feelings about High Stakes testing.  In the world of academia our children are going to have to get used to taking High Stakes exams.  They will have ACT, PSAT, SAT, GRE etc.  I just recently bought my daughter a PSAT book and she is only going into the 8th grade.  I want her to get over the anxiety that is associated with  High Stakes testing.   I had to take several PRAXIS exams recently and still have a silent stroke when you mention the name.  You hear so many things about the negative aspects of testing.  I have also seen first hand the anxiety, biased test questions,  resources not being equally distributed and errors in scoring.  So what do we do? Data is important to determine the progress of our education system.  

I do  think that we need" High Stakes" testing in school.  It is important to know how the students are doing. Maybe we should change the name of High Stakes, that term alone causes stress.   I do not agree with how the results are used.  One exam should not determine the promotional criteria.  The teachers are the one who work with the students and they should be the ones determining pass/fail.  I have several friends and know of several students who have test anxiety. High Stakes testing doesn't know the students personally.  I also believe that adequate resources should be distributed amongst the schools.  Title 1 schools seem to suffer more.  Opting out became a huge factor parents were being told of their rights and were taking action in other states.  In NY even though we knew we had the right to opt out, most schools(my children title 1 school) were penalizing students if you didn't  come in  on the days for ELA testing.  The pressure from this debate changed the results of not passing the ELA exams. I saw students crying before the exam, asthma attacks, headaches, stomach aches etc.  Teachers were stressed out as well.  I have a lot of friends that just couldn't deal with the pressure from the administration in regards to test scores and left the teaching profession all together. After the test was taken, you didn't receive your scores until August and you had to go to the school and fight for to receive them.     Now in NYC the ELA exams are not the sole means for promotion.  There is still a lot of pressure on teachers about it because these grades determine how schools are graded and funded.   The school gets a grade and funding accordingly.  I have seen so many negative aspects and so much pressure on the teachers on getting these kids to pass that I am only getting certified for Early Childhood Education Pre-k3-3.  I am praying I don't have to teach 3rd grade any time soon.  I do not want that pressure on me.  I believe it stunts your growth as a teacher.  I don't want to teach for a test.  

I recently moved to Maryland and learned of the PARCC exams. The Partnership for assessment of readiness for college and careers (PARCC) is a group of states working together to develop a modern assessment that replaces standardized tests. It provides better feedback for teachers and parents to identify if a student needs helps or is excelling.  They use the data from these scores to meet individual student needs.  My two children are in testing grades.  In NY there is so much anxiety around ELA testing,  I was nervous for my them.  To my surprise the state of Maryland is very calm when it comes to PARCC testing.  The test is done online instead of paper.  Also the dates vary.  In NYC every public school had the math on the same three days and the English on the same three days.  In Maryland schools appeared to pick their days. They just had to have them done by a certain deadline.  There were no big meetings about testing, my children didn't come home stressed about the dates and everything went smoothly.  I love the way they create a more calming and positive environment toward the PARCC exams.  No pressure and very supportive.

I did my clinical at a Elementary School in Fort Meade Maryland.  I was in the second grade and this is not a testing grade.  However my students and the first grade students were affected by the PARCC exams.  U nfortunately the  school didn't have enough computers to test everyone at the same time.  So they had to completely change the school schedule.  Originally my students had lunch at 10:45 , recess at 11:15, and specials (music, gym, media) at 12:20.  On PARCC exam days the students had specials at 8:30am, lunch at 10:45 and recess at 1:30.  School gets out at 2:30.  So from 11:15 to 1:30 it  felt like the beginning of the zombie apocalypse.  I felt bad that although they were not a testing grade their environment became stressful to accommodate the testing grades.

I believe High Stakes testing is very important. When it comes to High Stakes testing it is important that the states ensure that these exams be free of biases and that resources be equal state to state.  I also believe that if you allow the teachers to teach the curriculum students will be  adequately prepared.  When you are fully prepared for an exam you  are comfortable.  Creating a non stressful environment for both teacher and student is key to passing exams.   It is refreshing to hear that for the many states that may put to much pressure on High Stakes exams there are many states that don't.  There needs to be data collected from those states so they can be utilized on how to improve the quality of these assessments. I am relieved to learn how comfortable Maryland makes these assessments.  Being able to compete in this 21st Century world, we need quality education.   High Stakes testing in inevitable, we just need to work on the execution. 


 High-Stakes Test Definition. (2013). Retrieved June 06, 2016, from 
 The Past, Present And Future Of High-Stakes Testing. (n.d.). Retrieved June 06, 2016, from

About. (n.d.). Retrieved June 06, 2016, from
 Prepare for PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers). (n.d.). Retrieved June 06, 2016, from