Sunday, November 8, 2015

Personal Learning Goals

My assignment was to list some personal learning goals that will help me create my personal learning network.  Hmmm something that appears simple, but it takes a lot of thought.  Questions were bought up: What interest me? Where do I see myself in one, three, five, seven years? I have a  lot of personal goals that may or may not fall into the category of learning. lol...   Last year my learning goal was to obtain my driver's license.  I'm a city girl, so there was no need until this summer, I moved to Maryland.  I should have made my goal to learn how to drive, not just pass the test.  So I need to be a bit more  specific with these future learning goals.  :)
What Interest me? 
  • Reading
  • My family
  • I love children
  • Dancing
  • Music
  • Teaching
  • I'm serious about education
  • Interior design (love HGTV)

Where do I see myself in 1, 3, 5, 7 years?
Time flies and in one year I see myself teaching my first Kindergarten class.  Driving more and learning my way around Maryland.  In three years I see myself still teaching but being more involved with curriculum planning.  The next 5 to 7 years I would love to be in the process of being on a board that will implement  more effective ways to teach. I often have thoughts of opening my own Charter School.  Keeping that possibility open.  I also plan to see my two children off to college!!!

What opportunities and resources are available to me?

I have my fellow cohort 6 members, and the Teach Now staff. I am acquiring all sorts of online resources.  Most importantly all of my friends and former coworkers who are in the teaching profession have been more than helpful.  My mother always told me not to burn bridges and she is right.

And now that I have done that let me list my short term personal learning goals.

  • Pass the Praxis Exam..... 
Oops !  I just watched a video that gave me a more effective way to list my goals.  Brian Tracy's video taught me some recipes for goal setting. The three P's (Present, Positive and Personal) use these to unlock your mental powers.  So now let me effectively list my personal learning goals.

  • I passed  all of my Praxis exams by January 2016
  • I learned new and creative ways to teach Kindergarten
  • I embraced and implemented 21st Century teaching skills
  • I learned new tools of technology for effective teaching
  • I learned and used better Project based and Game based learning for my lessons.
  • I obtained my Teaching Certification from TEACH NOW in the Summer of 2016
  • I passed all the exams required to teach in Maryland.
  • I expanded my network of resources to gain employment at a great school.

Passing the praxis exam will help me obtain my certification from TEACH-NOW.  Being certified will help me become a Kindergarten Teacher.  Learning  21st Century Teaching skills will ensure that I am a effective teacher who will properly prepare my students for the future.  I would love to know all the tools ( technology, implementing project based or game based learning)to make my lessons engaging, creative and fun for my students.  Expanding my resources will allow me to being knowledgable of all of the change that is taking place in the world of academia.  I will be able to not only be informed but build strong friendships/connections to make me a well rounded teacher.  

I post my goals on the discussion forum and received positive feedback from my cohort member that made me think a little more in detailed about what I would like to learn and use to make my lessons effective.  

In my current learning Module I had to use Twitter.  I had an account a long time ago but I deactivated my account because I felt it was just too much.  I had no idea of the networking and resource possibilities.  I am now "following" a couple of organizations and I am finding many more.  I am not to sure about using Twitter for my classroom.  It may be too much for kindergarten.   As I teacher I plan to have a balance of technology in the classroom.    Some of the groups that I am following are @kinderchat, @edutopia, @educationnation, and @Acad21cntrylrn to name a few.  

Listing my personal goals felt great. It also feels good to know  that my goals and  reasons for these goals can and will grow. That enhances the beauty of this lesson.  I will learn so much more from TEACH-NOW and will be able to add more and achieve these goals and a whole lot more.  Looking forward to it!

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