Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Applying Classroom Rules and Procedures!

    As a future kindergarten teacher it is important to have my students understand what is expected of them.  Kindergarten is the foundation of learning in school and aside from learning the ABC's and 123's, there is a lot to learn in regards to social skills.  Respect, following directions, bathroom etiquette, recess etiquette, play centers, lining up, transitioning, nap time, dismissal etiquette.....  The list can go on and on.  Just like great grades deem positive reinforcement and rewards, great behavior should also be rewarded.  Not only is important to have the rules and procedures clearly illustrated throughout the classroom, I as a teacher need to make sure that I reinforce these rules and procedures with good and bad consequences.  The consequences via good or bad have to be consistent. So that all of my students clearly understand the tone of the classroom.  This will also help me make sure that my classroom runs as smoothly as possible.


    " Students’ accomplishments can be rewarded not only with high grades, but also with verbal praise, public recognition (hanging examples of good work for public display, describing accomplishments in the school newspaper), symbolic rewards (stars, happy faces, stickers), extra privileges or activity choices, or material rewards (snacks, prizes)." (p. 127) 
     In my classroom positive behavior and great grades will always get rewarded.  I would reward the individual, the group and the entire class.  Rewarding students can be tricky because you have to create a balance with material things vs. verbal praise.  Students have to take pride in both.  I will always give out high fives, and say positive things such as "Great job, Or I love the way you are thinking.  I will just make sure to reiterate what they did to my positive phrase.  There are also chants that I will use for good jobs.  The infamous "Good Job chant.  (" You know you did a good job, so say you did a good job.  Good job (3x clap) good job (3x clap) G- double  O- D -J-O-B Good Job Good Job!") There are tons of positive chants that I will use, and many of these incorporate movement so this will be great for my students. TI will also get involve parents, taking pictures of a student doing great work and emailing it to the parent helps.  Also good phone calls/texts/emails to parents are helpful. I can also opt by sending home cards that show their child did well today.  
     Positive reinforcement doesn't always have to be material things, but in kindergarten I feel it helps to have them. I hope to be able to use an owl theme for my first Kindergarten class.  I will have a mascot owl name "Owl-lie"!  Every time the class as a group does something great( transition quietly, walking in the hall quietly, lunchroom etiquette, or if a teacher or staff member comments on their good behavior) they will earn Owl-lie points.  These points will earn an reward on a weekly basis.  I will have a chart with stickers of "Owl-lie" and the goal will be to earn 10 points per school week to get a special treat.   I will offer some options for the prize of the week.  These options can be from a special cartoon on Friday, a dance party, glow stick party, special snack( Dunkin' Donuts munchkins... my favorite), whatever.  The students on Monday will decide on what the reward will be for Friday. 

      I also plan to have my students seated in groups with every group given a name ( I hope to name each group after a positive word, or color. it depends) When given group assignments if the group is doing well I will have a sticker chart for each table and they will be pasted on the chart accordingly.  I will also make sure that in my class when someone does a great job that we as a class praise them.  Promoting encouraging behavior is a goal as well.  
     For students that do exceptionally well throughout the day they will earn points that will grant them a prize on Friday. I can either create a chart or use an app called Class Dojo to keep track. I will have a drawer with little toys (pencils, erasers, rubber animals.) Items that you can find at Oriental Trading, that little people love. I will also have bigger items such as books, or coloring books.   The students will have the option to cash in their points for these small items or save their points for the bigger prize.  This will also serve as a lesson in spending and saving!  I plan on making every aspect in my class a learning experience.  


     Let's face it, for as much I would love to have the well behaved classroom I have to be realistic.  We are all human and we all have good days and bad days.  I am dealing with little people who are just learning how to control their bladders let alone their emotions.  It will be my job to reinforce the good behavior that I want in the classroom.  If you don't follow the rules there will be consequences just like in life.

     In my classroom the rules of good behavior will be stated every day, as just a reminder of what is to be expected. If I notice the class as a whole is not listening, then maybe I need to change the way I am teaching.  Is my lesson engaging enough? Once I have addressed that I will use the following tactics.  Every student will start off with a verbal warning.  If it's carpet time and someone is calling out I will state it.  "Tracy, no calling out during carpet time.  If you have a question or want to add to the conversation please raise a strong silent hand."  Or if a student is using a tool incorrectly they will no longer be allowed to use item and will be given something else to do.  I will always explain to the student why I am taking away anything from them. I believe with younger children you have to remind them of the correct procedure when correcting them. There may be times when I may just need to pull a student to the side and just figure out if they need help with something.  Some children may need a little one on one reinforcement.   For some of my students who may have IEP's and may legitimately have problems with sitting still, I will offer fidgets. Little textured toys that keeps little people hands  occupied and helps them to sit still and focus.  As a teacher it is important that I know my students and have eyes and ears on all of them to notice behavior that is inappropriate.  I don't always like sending students out of the classroom, so I will do all that I can to handle non-productive behaviors in the classroom.  

     Another tactic I will use is the time out corner ( or cool out corner)  I will have a designated station that will have a comfy chair, some postings on how to relax, some stuff animals, tissue, timer and a mirror.  It helps sometimes when kids can see their own faces Some time you may need a minute or two to gather your thoughts.  In the beginning of the school year the students will be instructed on how to use this center. We will do role play on how to use the cool out corner.  At times depending on the situation and if I have assistance like a para, some students will be able to step out the classroom for a body break, or a brief walk down the hall to gather their thoughts to return.  There will be times when a student will have to be sent out of the classroom.  I will not allow any students to cause any bodily harm to his/herself, or to another student.  This is when the proper staff will have to be notified as well as a call to the parents.   Every child will be sent home with a reflection sheet to discuss how their day was and the parents will be responsible for signing it.  This way we can also keep track of any patterns of inappropriate behavior.  
     These are just some tactics that I plan to use to reward and reinforce positive behavior in my classroom.  I am still learning so I look forward to learning about any other helpful tactics to have a safe, positive and engaging class.  
   Here is a flow chart of some of the tactics:

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